How can Citizens actively participate in the AGA?
It has always been the priority of the MMF President and Cabinet to ensure all Red River Métis Citizens have the ability to participate in their AGA. Citizens have the opportunity to attend either in-person or virtually. This hybrid approach ensures that our MMF Citizens have active participation in their government, which includes our Citizens that live beyond borders.
How do I register for AGA?
Online registration is for General Registration only. All MMF Departments and Affiliates should contact their Directors regarding registration.
In order to avoid confusion with the registration process, we want Citizens to take proper steps to register for the AGA:
Step 2: How do you know if you’re an appointed Registered Delegate? Every Local is allocated 10 spots (including a Youth Delegate) to attend the AGA in person. Local Executives appoint these individuals. Please contact your Region if you have questions regarding the selection process.
Step 3: If you are not an assigned Registered Delegate, please go to the AGA website to register as a General Delegate. (click here to go to registration page.)
Step 4: Have fun and celebrate with us! We’re excited to see you.
Please note: Only register online if you are not an appointed Registered Delegate.
What is important about the AGA?
Every Red River Métis Citizen across the homeland has a voice and a vote at the AGA, which makes the AGA the most important gathering of the Red River Citizens as It gives each Citizen an opportunity to participate in their government.
The AGA provides a forum for our MMF President and Cabinet to present the accomplishments and advancements in government operations, and for Citizens to provide guidance, direction and input to the vision and future going forward.
Who are MMF Delegates?
Registered delegates of the AGA that are entitled to vote are Red River Métis Citizens. Each delegate’s Citizenship will be verified during the registration process. Verification happens in two ways:
- Citizens who are attending on behalf of their Local will be verified through their Local and Regional Office.
- Citizens who register through General Registration will be verified by our Central Registry Office.
Please note that only verified Citizens will be given credentials to vote at this year’s AGA. Virtual participators with verified Citizenship must log-in individually to vote. Registering as early as possible will avoid delays in issuing materials and credentials. Registration deadlines are as follows:
- September 27, 2024: Registration with Regions for Local Delegates
- September 27, 2024: General Registration
- September 27, 2024: Virtual Registration
Will there be a trade show? Will it be accessible virtually?
We are happy to announce that there will be an in-person trade show at the Assiniboia Downs located on the third floor. There will be approximately 70 booths of businesses, crafters, as well as MMF department information booths to visit. Don’t forget to enter the free draws at each booth – which are drawn at the end of day Sunday!
Unfortunately, the tradeshow will be unavailable to those attending virtually.
How can I watch the AGA with poor internet connection?
Unfortunately, we do not have any control of the band-width in any given geographical area. We do however provide tech support that will be available to assist those experiencing technical difficulties during the Annual General Assembly.
We encourage Citizens who cannot attend the AGA in-person in Winnipeg, Manitoba to visit one of our satellite locations in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver for Beyond Border Citizens, or watch our AGA livestream on YouTube.
Who do I contact for AGA –related questions?
Please contact your Regional Coordinator for questions regarding your participation at the Assembly. (click here)
You can also contact the AGA Coordinating team at:
Will there be an opportunity for Elders to attend the AGA?
It has always been our tradition to have our Elders join us at our Assemblies. This Assembly, 3 Elders per Region will be attending. In addition, we will have our on-site Elders Lounge and services available.
Where should I sit in-person at the AGA?
At this year’s AGA, seating in the main hall will be distributed based on Region. This seating system encourages active participation in community discourse and ensures all voices across the Homeland are represented equally in our democratic process. In addition to this system, there will be reserved seating for Registered and Elder Delegates located near the front of the main hall.
Citizens will be asked to find seating in their Region’s designated sections. If unable to find seating in the main hall, Citizens are encouraged to find seating on the lower level of the Assiniboia Downs.
Will I have the opportunity to make comments and ask questions during AGA?
Yes. Both the in-person and virtual platform gives the opportunity for Red River Métis Citizens to participate.
In person – the Chair and Co-Chair preside over the AGA.
Virtual – the Virtual Moderator presides over the AGA.